Rocking Star Yash, who shattered barriers and set new benchmarks for Indian cinema with his KGF franchise, has released an intriguing poster for his highly anticipated upcoming film, Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups. This visually striking poster, infused with mystery and raw energy, hints at a special surprise from the film’s makers to coincide with the superstar’s birthday.
Yash shared the poster on social media, captioning it, “Unleashing him…”. The image features a silhouette of Yash dressed in a white tuxedo jacket and fedora, leaning against a vintage car while exhaling a ring of smoke. The tagline, “His untamed presence is your existential crisis,” suggests a dark and complex narrative journey.The poster evokes an international aesthetic, sparking intrigue and speculation about the film’s content. The cryptic message, laden with existential themes, draws attention to the date 8-1-25 and the time 10:25 AM, when the makers promise to unveil an exciting surprise.
Billed as a “Fairy Tale for Grown-ups,” Toxic aims to redefine genres with its intense storytelling and visceral themes. The phrase “unleashing him on” hints at a character of immense power and complexity, while the reference to an “existential crisis” suggests a film that will challenge conventional storytelling norms. As Yash’s birthday approaches, fans are eagerly anticipating what could become one of the biggest cinematic reveals of 2025.
Taran Adarsh was quick to share the same on social media, have a look at the same as under:
YASH’S NEXT FILM ‘TOXIC’: SNEAK PEEK IS HERE… A glimpse into the world of #Toxic… After the #Blockbuster success of #KGF2, #Yash drops an exclusive #BirthdayPeek from his highly-anticipated film #Toxic: A Fairy Tale For Grown Ups.
Directed by…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 8, 2025
The film’s producers are keeping details under wraps, but the excitement surrounding Toxic is undeniable. Jointly produced by Venkat K. Narayana and Yash under KVN Productions and Monster Mind Creations, Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups is directed by Geetu Mohandas, an internationally acclaimed filmmaker with numerous accolades, including a National Award and the Global Filmmaking Award at the Sundance Film Festival. With this impressive team, audiences can expect a captivating cinematic experience.