Karan Johar’s iconic talk show, Koffee With Karan, has made a triumphant return with its eighth season. The first episode, featuring Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, left a resounding impact, setting the tone for what is sure to be an exciting and entertaining season.
Premiering on Disney+ Hotstar, Season 8 introduces several new segments, including Karan’s signature rapid-fire round. The show has also been given a fresh new look and feel, with a modern set and updated graphics.
In the first episode, Ranveer and Deepika gave fans a rare glimpse into their relationship, sharing candid stories about their wedding day and their lives together. Karan also opened up about his own life, discussing his mental health and his love life.
However, at the same time, it would be interesting to see how the netizens rated the new season, let us check their reactions coming on X or Twitter as under, have a look:
Ok but I’ll say this – even though the #KoffeeWithKaran episode was BOOOOORRRING – I really liked Deepika’s talk about mental health. That part was good.
— (@middleclassrita) October 26, 2023
#KoffeeWithKaran is it just me or it dint feel like KwK at all, in a good way. It was an open forum a safe space for a sensible conversation. Really enjoyed the episode as a fan. #RanveerSingh #DeepikaPadukone
— Versatile Fan ( Team Rocky) (@versatilefan) October 25, 2023
Good to see that this time #KoffeeWithKaran is more evolved
— Khan (@Khanmohammed12) October 26, 2023
The episode was met with rave reviews from critics and fans alike, who praised the new format and the candid conversations. Many viewers were particularly appreciative of Karan’s willingness to share his own personal experiences, which made him more relatable than ever before.
Overall, the first episode of Koffee With Karan Season 8 was a hit, and it has set the bar high for the rest of the season. With Karan Johar at the helm and a lineup of exciting guests, fans can expect more laughter, tears, and gossip in the weeks to come.