Since Aditya Dhar announced a star-studded cast of some of India’s biggest actors for his untitled action drama, excitement has been building among movie enthusiasts. Tentatively titled Dhurandhar, the film recently began production and gained fresh momentum on social media after glimpses of Ranveer Singh from the set were leaked online, leaving audiences eager for more!
Ranveer Singh’s Intriguing Look
What has especially captured the audience’s attention is Ranveer Singh’s striking avatar. In the leaked behind-the-scenes photos, he appears as a Sardar, donning a turban in some scenes, while in others, he flaunts long hair and wields a rifle, fully geared for battle. Fans may recall that Dhar previously hinted at a war backdrop for the film, which these images seem to confirm.
Social Media Reactions
Fans took to social media to express their admiration for Ranveer’s look, with comments ranging from heartfelt blessings to enthusiastic support. One user wrote, “May God protect him and bless this movie to be successful,” while others chimed in with remarks like, “This will work,” “Aagya Londa,” “Looking his best,” and “Ranveer man, I’m rooting for you,” showcasing their excitement for the film. Check the leaked stuff as Bollywood Hungama handle shares the details as under:
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About Dhurandhar
As mentioned, reports suggest that the film has been officially titled Dhurandhar. Recently, actor Rakesh Bedi, a key part of the action entertainer, confirmed the title in an Instagram post detailing the film’s progress, although he later deleted the post. In addition to Ranveer Singh, the movie is expected to feature an ensemble cast that includes Sanjay Dutt, Akshaye Khanna, Arjun Rampal, and R. Madhavan. With such an impressive team and the recent leaked photos, audiences are keen to discover what more this exciting film has in store!