Akshay Kumar’s Republic Day release, Sky Force, faced a significant setback after a promising debut. The film earned Rs 6.25 crore across all languages on its first Monday, according to Sacnilk, bringing its total earnings to Rs 68.50 crore. Sky Force marked a notable comeback for Akshay Kumar, achieving a double-digit opening at the box office after a series of underperforming films. The film kicked off with Rs 12.25 crore on January 24 (Friday) and saw a significant boost over the weekend, making Rs 22 crore on Saturday and Rs 28 crore on Sunday, thanks to the Republic Day holiday.
However, the film experienced a stark decline in earnings on Monday, reflected in the footfall during shows. Morning shows recorded only 6.01% occupancy, followed by 10.63% in the afternoon and 12.87% in the evening. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh praised Sky Force for its strong box office performance during the opening weekend, stating, “SKY FORCE FLIES HIGH, RECORDS A POWER-PACKED WEEKEND… 2025 starts off with a wave of hope and optimism… #SkyForce posts an impressive opening weekend total, with Saturday and Sunday [#RepublicDay] contributing handsomely to its fantastic performance.”
#SkyForce sees an upward trend on Wednesday [vis-à-vis Tuesday], with evening and night shows seeing better occupancy… Inches closer to the ₹ cr mark.
With #Deva releasing tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how #SkyForce holds up in the coming week, especially in the… pic.twitter.com/BdjD5CuGgz
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 30, 2025
He had initially predicted that the film would maintain its momentum during the weekdays, but the reality proved otherwise as the numbers dropped to single digits.Sky Force features Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya as Indian Air Force officers, focusing on the country’s retaliatory strike on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase during the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965, which is remembered as India’s first and deadliest airstrike. Directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, the film also stars Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan in supporting roles.