Netflix India has unveiled the trailer for “Dhoom Dhaam,” a hilarious action-packed romantic comedy starring Yami Gautam Dhar and Pratik Gandhi. This unconventional love story follows the tumultuous journey of Koyal, a feisty independent woman, and Veer, a shy and reserved man, whose arranged marriage takes an unexpected turn on their wedding night.
Directed by Rishab Seth, “Dhoom Dhaam” plunges viewers into a whirlwind of chaos as the seemingly perfect wedding night unravels into a series of unexpected events. Mysterious goons, deceptive identities, and a string of awkward situations keep Koyal and Veer on their toes, leaving them questioning the identity of a mysterious figure known only as “Charlie” and why everyone seems to be after him.
Yami Gautam Dhar, who returns to the screen after a year, shares, “Koyal defies typical on-screen bride stereotypes. She’s relatable and I’m sure many girls will connect with her.” Pratik Gandhi, who essays the role of Veer, adds, “He’s not your typical rom-com hero. He’s vulnerable and ends up in the most unexpected situations.” Check the trailer as the leading lady shares on her X handle, have a look as under:
Shaadi ki pehli raat, aur saath mein ek unexpected baraat
Watch Dhoom Dhaam, out 14 February, only on Netflix!— Yami Gautam Dhar (@yamigautam) January 27, 2025
Director Rishab Seth emphasizes, “We wanted to explore love in all its messy, chaotic glory. It’s about how love can survive, and even flourish, in the most unpredictable circumstances.” He praises the effortless charm of Yami and Pratik, making Koyal and Veer’s journey truly delightful.
“Dhoom Dhaam” is a reminder that love isn’t always about candlelit dinners. It’s about navigating life’s chaos together. This hilarious blend of romance, humor, and action promises a wild ride that will leave audiences entertained and wanting more.
“Dhoom Dhaam” premieres exclusively on Netflix on February 14th, proving that love and a little madness go hand in hand.