Mythri Movie Makers and Vidhi Acharya’s V2S Production have announced a change in the release date for their upcoming rom-com, Pintu Ki Pappi. Originally slated for release on February 21, the film will now hit theaters on March 21. Along with the announcement, the makers have unveiled a new poster that highlights the updated release date. Pintu Ki Pappi introduces three promising newcomers: Shushant, Jaanya Joshi, and Vidhii, who have already captured the audience’s attention with their engaging performances showcased in the film’s trailer.
The trade pundit – Taran Adarsh was quick to share the update on his Twitter Handle, have a look at it as under:
MYTHRI MOVIE MAKERS PRESENT ‘PINTU KI PAPPI’… NEW RELEASE DATE ANNOUNCED… #PintuKiPappi – starring newcomers #Shushant, #JaanyaaJoshi and #Vidhii – will now release in *cinemas* on 21 March 2025.
Directed by #ShivHare, the film also features #VijayRaaz, #MuraliSharma,…
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 21, 2025
The trailer was launched last month with great fanfare, featuring appearances from superstar Akshay Kumar and veteran choreographer Ganesh Acharya, who is also Vidhi Acharya’s husband. The decision to postpone the film comes as part of a strategic move by the makers to ensure that Pintu Ki Pappi reaches the widest possible audience. With its quirky title and the promise of wholesome entertainment, the film has generated considerable buzz among cinephiles eager for a fresh cinematic experience. Directed by Shiv Hare, the film is anticipated to blend humor, drama, and heartwarming moments seamlessly.
In addition to the fresh faces in the lead roles, Pintu Ki Pappi boasts a stellar supporting cast, including Vijay Raaz, Murali Sharma, Sunil Pal, Ali Asgar, Puja Banerjee, Aditi Sanwal, Ria S Soni, Urvashi Chauhan, Pyumori Mehta Das, Mukteshwar Ojha, and Ganesh Acharya himself. With a promising storyline and a talented team behind it, Pintu Ki Pappi is set to be a delightful addition to the cinematic landscape, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release next month.